b'AcceleAractcienlge rEactoinngo mEcico nMoombilci tMyo &b iEldituyc &a tEiodnuacal tOipopnoarl tOupnpitoyrtunityAccelerating Economic Mobility & Educational OpportunityHeights PhiladelphiaHeights Philadelphias 2024-2029 Strategic Plans 2024-2029 Strategic Plan1 1 22 3 3 Building BPuatilhdwinagy Ps athwaysChangingChanging Creating Car Seuastitnagin aa bSlues tainable Changing Creating a SustainableSystems Organizational Modelto Collegteo a Cnodl lCeagree earnd CareeSrystems Systems OrganizaOtirognaanl iMzaotdioenl al ModelBy 2029, Heights will change systems that have By 2029, Heights will have a sustainable financial By 2029, Heights wBy 2029ill crea, Heigte paththws ways till cro ceaollete page thways tBo cy 2029olleg, Heigehts wBy 2029, Heig illtchatge systems tBhay 2029, Heights will hav s v sushttainableill change syshtts wems han t By 2029, Heighistorically limited education and career outcomes and operational model to achieve it e as will have a sustainableision offor students.city-wide impact at scale.ation and careerfinancial and operfinancial and operational model to acational modehieveand career for 5,000 stand cudentareers t for 5hroug,000 sth educudentations t, hrough educhave histationoric,ally limithaved educe historically limited education and careerl to achieveinternships, and trintaininernshipsg. , and training. outcomes for our stoutudentcomes fs. or our students. its vision of city-wide imits vision of citpact at scy-ale. wide impact at scale. We will achieve this by: We will achieve this by:Developing a Foundation:Heights will defineFinancial Stewardship:Heights will implement a Heights willH aecihgihetvse w thilils a bcyh:ieve this bHye: ights willH aecihgihetvse w thilils a bcyh:ieve this byH:eights willH aecihgihetvse w thilils a bcyh:ieve this by:systems in which it can push for change that acceleratesfunding strategy driven by a business plan that increases youth toward educational opportunity and economicrevenue growth and manages expenses to sustainably mobility. scale programming.Developinamlesg our Fsevelopinationg our F: Define soundystaemstion: Define sFystinancial SemsAligning Programs tAlignino Img Prpacogt:r Crams teate a seo Impacamlest: Crseate a se Dound tewarFdshipinancial S: Implement a ftewardshipundin: Imgplement a fundingGrowing Partnerships for Change at theOptimizing Operations for Scale:Heights will program from middplero sgcrahmoo flr othmro mugidhd clea rsecehro, obla tsherdo u gh carein whicer, bash wed e can push f ven by a businesin whicor ch whane cgan push fe that accor celerhanates ge that acstcelerrateagty driesstrategy dris plan tven by a busineshat increases s plan that increases System Level:Heights will establish partnershipsbuild an operational model that enables it to do its best on research and eon rvaluaesetionar, tch and ehat is aligned tvaluationo im, thapactt is aligned t.youto imh topactward. educyaotuiothn atol woparpdo retduuncitay tiaonnda lopportunity anredvenue growth anredv emnaunea ggerosw etxhp aenndse ms a nages expenseswith the School District of Philadelphia, post-secondarywork, at scaleeconomic mobilityearonomic dustry ility. to sustainably scatloespursotgarianmabmlyin sgc.ale programming.pctners, and inmobleaders that advance opportunitiesDefining IndustrDy Pefininathwg Indusays: Define and try Pathways: Define andand equity for young people in Philadelphia. Becoming a Best of Employer:Heights will invest in building an engaged, supported, and developed implement the esseimntpialel mperongt rtahmeecsosmepnotianle pnrtso gforar mke cyomponGrenotsw foinr g Pkeyar tnerGrships fowing Por Chanartnergeships for Change Optimizing OperOpations ftimizinor Sg Opercalea: Buildtions for Scale: BuildCollaborating for Change with Communities:staff to deliver high-impact services to our students.industry pathwaysindust.ry pathways.at the System Level:at the S Estyablish parstem Letvnerel:ships Establish partneran operships ational model tan operhat enables us tational model to do ourhat enables us to do ourHeights will create coalitions of partners to expand and empower community-based advocacy efforts. Being a Learning Organization:Heights will with the School Dwisittrhic tth oefSPchhiloaodle Dlpihsitari,ct of Philadelphia, best work, at scale. best work, at scale. Developing and LDeveerlopinaging and Lg Partnerevershipsagin: g Partnerships:create an organizational culture of reflection, adaptation, post-secondary parposttner-secs, and industondary parry letneraders, and industsHeightsry leadersMeasuring and Sharing our Impact: and data-informed decision making to increase impact Implement a partnerImshipplement plan a t hapart tacnercelershipa tplanes st tudenthat ac celerates studentwill measure collective efforts that drive system changeBecoming a BeBecst ofomin Emg a Beployer:s Int ofvest inEmployer: Invest in that advance oppothaut natiea acned opqpuoit u es and equity for udents.rt idvs ne ryt fnoirt ifor sttrajectories towards ectrajectonomic mobilitories towards ecy. onomic mobility. and pathways to system improvement, keeping Heightsbuilding an engagebdu,i lsduinpgp oarnte edn, gaangde d,e sveulpoppoerdte sdt,a affnd developed staffyoung people in Pyhoiluandge lppehoiap.l e in Philadelphia. members and the community informed of progress Engaging Community:Heights will inform, engage to deliver high-impact serto deliver higvices th-imo our stpact serudentvicses t.o our students. and the potential for change. with, and influence key organizational constituenciesCollaborating for ChanCollaborge watinitg fh Cor Chanommunitge wiesit: h Communities: to compel action that will further our vision.Being a Learning OrBeingg a Lanizeaartionnin: Crg Oreagte an anization: Create an Create coalitions of parCreate ctneroalits to eions of parxpand andtners to expand andorganizational cultuorreg aonf izreafltieocntaiol nc,u altduarep toaft iroenfl,ection, adaptation,empower communitemy-bapowsed ader communitvocacy effory-based adts.vocacy efforts. Impact Report 2023-20245ing to increase and data-informed decision makand data-informed decision making to increase Measuring and SMeharasuring our Iming and Spachart:ing our Impact:im pact for studentims. pact for students. Measure collective efforMeasurts te chaollectt supporive effort systts temhat support systemEngaging CommunitEngaygin: Infg Cormommunit, engage wy:it Infh,orm, engage with,change and pathwcahysa ntog es yasntde mp aimthpwraoyvse mtoe snyt.stem improvement.and influence key orand influencganizational ce keonsty organiituencieszational constituenciesKeep community mKeeempb ceorsm, mstuundietyn tms,e amlubmernsi, students, alumni,to compel action tthao ct womill fpel acturther our vion thaisiont will f.urther our vision. and others within aloncda ol tshyesrtse mwsit hininfo lromceadls ystems informedof progress and the poof progtentresial of ss and tysthe poem cthanential of sge.ystem change.'