b'Step 2:Understanding Your Options for CollegeRead pages 16-19 of theGuide.There are close to 5,000 colleges and universities in the United States. The Philadelphia region alone has over 100 of them! The summer is a great time to learn about the different types of colleges and universities and the degree programs they offer.Two-year collegesPrivate liberal arts collegesTwo-year colleges offer certificate programs, associate Liberal arts colleges offer four-year bachelors degrees.degrees, and the opportunity to transfer to a four-year A liberal arts college offers a broader approach toinstitution. Examples include: education that allows students to study in various Community colleges, such as Community Collegefields such as the arts, sciences, humanities, and of Philadelphia, Montgomery County Communitysocial sciences. Examples include: Albright College, College, Bucks County Community College, andDickinson College, Franklin & Marshall College, Delaware County Community College. Gettysburg College,Haverford College, Juniata Two-year colleges, such as Harcum College, ValleyCollege, Lafayette College, and Lycoming College.Forge Military College, and Thaddeus StevensSpecialized collegesCollege of Technology.Specialized colleges offer programs tailored toFour-year universities specific groups or fields of study. Examples include:Four-year universities offer undergraduate bachelors, Arts colleges, such as The University of the Arts.graduate, and professional degrees. Examples include: Minority-serving institutions, which include Historically Public universities, including Pennsylvanias stateBlack Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), such as universities (www.passhe.edu) and state-relatedLincoln University. Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI): universities, such as Penn State University, TempleEsperanza College of Eastern University.University, and The University of Pittsburgh. Womens colleges, such as Bryn Mawr College.Private universities, such as Arcadia University,Religiously affiliated colleges and universities, Drexel University, Lehigh University, Villanova such as LaSalle University, Saint JosephsUniversity, and the University of Pennsylvania. University, and Holy Family University.'