b'Step 5:Plan for College VisitsRead page 22 of theGuide.The best way to decide if a school is the right fit for you is to visit. Prepare carefully over the summer toensure you gain the most from every college visit experience. Virtual visits are a great way to take advantageof travelingto far away places without having to leave your home. Fly-In Programs If in-person, print the schedule for your visit and Fly-In programs such as the Discover Swarthmorea campus map.program at Swarthmore College makes visits affordable. Plan what you will wear. Remember, you willStudents experience an all expense paid immersivebe making an impression on college officials,experience. Some Fly-In programs do come with anso dress appropriately, even if you are visiting virtually. application fee. So check in with your school counselor If in-person, be sure to wear comfortable shoes, as for fee waivers. To learn more and apply to fly-inyou are likely going to do a lot of walking and standing.programs across the country, you can use CollegeDuring your visitGreenlight Fly-In and Diversity Program List. Make sure to check out the deadlines for each program. Take notes during your tour.At the beginning of the summer Talk to current students if possible.If in-person, enjoy the campus. Eat in the dining Check out college admissions offices online. hall or student center, and walk around the university Look for links such as book a visit, campus visit,campus and the surrounding community.or information sessions to register for tours and open houses. Check with the college admissionsAfter your visitoffice for up-to-date information. Write down your impressions after touringThe week before you visiteach school.Prepare the questions you will want to ask. Send a thank you email to the admissions officeReview the Questions to Ask on a College Visitto demonstrate interest.activity on page 23 of the Guide.'