b'Step 6:Begin the Application ProcessRead pages 12-13 and 26-38 of theGuide.Get a head start on your college applications. Preparing a strong application takes time, hard work, andattention to detail. Generally, there are four options for college admissions. The option you select will impactwhen your application is due, when you find out if you are selected, and your ability to choose a college based on how much financial aid it offers. Learn more on page 31 of theGuide. Understand your college Become familiar with the applicationadmissions options process for each of your preferred schoolsRegular Decision will allow you to apply to as manyBefore applying to college, learn more about The schools as you like and to compare aid packages.Common Application by visiting www.commonapp.org Regular Decision Deadlines: Typically early January and www.commonblackcollegeapp.com,to mid-February which enables you to apply to multiple collegesRolling Admissions applications are evaluated using the same application form, resume, and essay. on a first-come, first-served basis until the school The Common App for admission in 2024 will be fills its first-year class. This options also allows you available in August.to apply to as many schools as you like and toIf you plan to apply to Community College of Philadel-compare financial aid packages. Rolling Admissionphia, explore the online application at www.ccp.edu.Deadlines: Varies If you plan to apply to a Pennsylvania state university, Early Action allows you to apply earlier toandvisit www.passhe.edu to review applications for all hear back sooner fromyour first-choice colleges.state universities.Early Action is non-binding, meaning it does notIf you plan to apply to a Pennsylvania state-related commit you to attend the school, but it does tell theuniversity, visit the schools website for applications:school that you are interested. Early Action Deadlines:Penn State University: https://admissions.psu.edu/ Typically early to mid-November apply, also available via The Common Application.Early Decision is an option reserved only for theTemple University: https://admissions.temple.edu/ school you are certain is your best fit and promisesapply, also available via The Common Application. that you will attend this college if admitted. GivenUniversity of Pittsburgh: https://oafa.pitt.edu/applythe binding nature of Early Decision, make sure the college is the right financial fit. Remember, Create your resumno college is your dream school if you cannot affordA resum is a one-page document that outlines your to go there. Early Decision Deadlines: Typically Earlyeducation, skills, and achievements. You can useto mid-November this as a component of your college application.See pages 12-13 in the Guide or instructions onpreparing, writing, and formatting your resum.'