b'Step 4:Do Fit ResearchRead pages 14-15 of theGuide.Selecting the college that is the best fit for youacademically, socially, and financiallywill be the keyto your success. Take time over the summer to do fit research and find the schools that are right for you.Identify the right fit for youIm First, www.imfirst.org/colleges, searchesDetermine the factors that are important to you in a for and offers profiles of colleges that support college by completing the Find Your Fit worksheet first-generation-to-college students.on page 20 of the Guide. College websites offer specific details about all As you are doing your fit research, start creating youraspects of fit. Most colleges have social mediacollege list. Be sure to craft a well-rounded list thatpages you can follow. Many offer student blogshas reach, safety, and target colleges. that provide different perspectives about campuslife and programs.Research colleges in depth Niche, www.niche.com, connects colleges and Fit research is thorough, investigative research schools with students and families through profiles, that uncovers the academic, social, and financial reviews, and a college search database. characteristics of a college. There are a number ofComplete the Heights Philadelphiaonline resources to help you: Fit FormCollege Greenlight, https://eab.com/solutions/college-greenlight/, searches for and offers fly-inOnce you have narrowed your search, begin exploringprograms, scholarships, and summer opportunitieswhich schools will be the best fit for you. Complete with financial aid. the Fit Form on pages 24-25 of the Guide for each school to which you are considering applying. Big Future by the College Board, When completed, the Fit Form will help you determine https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/, profiles collegeswhether the college is a good academic, social, and and sets up searches based on your choices. financial fit.College Navigator, https://nces.ed.gov/college-navigator/, searches for colleges based on your preferences.'