b'Step 7:Begin to Draft Your Application EssayRead page 35 of theGuide.Your college application essayalso referred to as your personal statementwill be a central component of your application. This is your opportunity to express who you are beyond your grades and test scores. Take time this summer to brainstorm your topic and start the writing process.Choose the right topicDo your best workSelect a topic that allows you to convey your Your essay must also demonstrate your writing skills,uniqueness as an applicant and ties your personalso it should be thoughtfully organized, well-written,characteristics, achievements, and experiences to and carefully proofread. Complete the Brainstormyour potential contribution as a college student. Yourand Write Your Essay activity on page 36 of the personal statement must convince the admissions Guide for help getting started.officer that you are a good candidate for theinstitution. Be yourself and use the language thatfeels comfortable to you. Find the complete listof 2023-2024 Common App essay prompts atwww.commonapp.org.'