b'10Get Organized Manage Your Online ReputationNow is the time to develop the habits that willCollege admissions representatives, coaches,help you in high school and college. Master theand potential employers look up applicants online. following strategies: Remember: nothing you post on social media is private. Start protecting your online reputation now. Develop Good Study Habits Check yourself out. Type your name into a searchLearn to prioritize. A test tomorrow is more engine and set up a Google alert for your name. important than an assignment due next week. Delete any unwanted content.Take careful notes and be sure to review them later,Think before you post. Remember: what you post then review them again. online is a reflection of who you are.Read, read, read! To develop a strong vocabulary and Set your privacy settings to Friends Only.prepare for college-level material, read every day. Regularly check for changes to privacy rules.Figure out how, where, and when you work best. Keep it clean. Do not post inappropriate, offensive,Do you work better alone or in a group? Should youror embarrassing content or photographs.space be quiet, or do you enjoy background music?Remove tags from embarrassing photos or posts. Experiment, and when you find something that works,Choose your Friends carefully. Block individuals stick with it. who post inappropriate content to your feeds.Establish a daily routine for doing homework.Practice good email etiquette. Use a professionalTackle the most challenging tasks when you email address. Check your inbox regularly andare most alert and focused. respond to messages promptly.Manage Your TimeUse a planner to keep track of assignments, collegeSet Personal Goalsapplication deadlines, and extracurricular activities. You know what you want: to get into college, obtain Make a daily to do list. Prioritize your tasks your degree, and start a career. The question is: how and do the most important ones first. do you get there? Setting specific, well-defined goals Break long-term assignments into smaller chunks,will help you progress toward your dreams.so that they are easier to accomplish. Organize Your GoalsPractice self-care. Get enough sleep, exercise, and eat well to stay healthy and focused. Achieving your goals will be easier if you break them Develop the discipline to avoid digital distractions. down into short-term, mid-term, and long-term objectives:If your phone or social media distract you, turnthem off, log out, or block an app until you completeShort-term goals can be quickly accomplishedyour task. in days or a few weeks.Mid-term goals will take more time, sometimes weeks and even months.Long-term goals can take months or even yearsto achieve.Harcum College'