b'50Understanding ScholarshipsScholarships are one of the most desirable ways to pay for college, because they award money that doesnot need to be repaid. Scholarships are given to celebrate academic achievement, reward special talents,and support individuals with financial need. Types of ScholarshipsMajor-specific scholarships are based on your Below you will find a brief explanation of multiple typesselected course of study and offered throughof scholarships. You are not limited to applying to onlyprivate entities, colleges, and universities. Be sureone type of scholarship, and may be eligible to receiveto check specifically with the related departmentmultiple forms of scholarships. at your college to discover whether aid is available.Academic scholarships are often referred to as Military scholarships are for college studentsmerit scholarships. They are typically based uponwho have enlisted in the armed forces. Studentsyour grade point average. They can also be givenare offered an array of financial support (both public based upon your ability to earn a particular and private) for their military service.standardized test score. These scholarships can Need-based scholarships are awarded basedbe provided at the school level (offered by your upon your familys ability to pay for college. These high school or college), national/federal level scholarships are determined by the information(offered by national institutions), or local level provided on your FAFSA application and are(offered by community-based organizations, designed to make college more affordable forchurches, etc).your family.Athletic scholarships can be full or partial STEM scholarships are awarded to studentsscholarships and are given to students who who are actively pursuing careers in the fieldsdemonstrate exceptional acumen in a particularof science, technology, engineering, and math.sport. The range of the scholarship amounts areThese scholarships are awarded by public and based upon the competitive tier of the college. private institutions, as well as affinity organizations. Athletic scholarships are governed by the Many are based upon your identity, such asNational Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). gender or race.Employer scholarships are made available Student-centered scholarships are typicallyto employees of a particular company. These awarded on the basis of a student identifyingscholarships can be awarded via your parent orwith a particular group. These scholarships canguardians employer, or can be awarded via yourbe based on race, sexual orientation, being a own employer. For example, these companies, first-generation-to-college student, or other uniquewhich often employ high school students, awardpersonal qualifiers. scholarships to their employees: CVS, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Starbucks.Extracurricular scholarships are awarded on the basis of your commitment to a particular activity, club, or hobby. They have a wide range of dollarSmall Scholarships amounts. They can be awarded for things such asCan Add Up debate, student government, music, and much more. Strategize for It can be tempting to apply only to big-dollar scholarships, butdo not overlook those that awardsmaller dollar amounts. It is a smart strategy to alsoapply to several smaller scholarships that add up toa significant amount.Strategize for'