b'65December May/June Retake the SAT or ACT, if you want to try to raise Take applicable Advanced Placement (AP) exams your score (pp. 27-30). and request that your scores be sent to the collegeRemind your teachers and counselors of the deadlinesyou will be attending.for submitting your college recommendations for Make sure your school counselor sends yourregular admission (p. 38). final transcript to your selected college. Checklists If you were accepted on early decision, check the If your acceptance offer includes a summer bridge deadline for acceptance and meet that deadline program, register on time.(p. 31).Work with your parents or guardians to applyfor Federal Direct PLUS Loans (Parent Loans for January Undergraduate Students) and other private loans, Continue to meet application deadlines for regularif necessary. If your parents are not eligible for a Parent PLUS Loan, inform your colleges financial admission (p. 31). aid office, so it can authorize you for additional Confirm that all of your college admissions Federal Direct Loans (p. 43).materials have been received by each schoolVisit PHEAA at www.pheaa.org to make sureto which you applied (p. 38). the correct college is listed to receive a state grant. Continue to check your email for requestsReview your financial aid award from the collegefor income verification (p. 45). you will attend and accept or decline each loanFebruary/March or grant individually (p. 47). Create a realistic budget for indirect college costs,Send thank you notes to those people who wrotesuch as books, phone usage, computer needs,recommendation letters on your behalf (p. 34). and travel expenses (p. 60). Continue to research and apply for scholarships(p. 50-55). July/August Log in at studentaid.gov to complete your LoanAprilEntrance Counseling and Master Promissory Maintain organized files of all admissions and Note for any federal loans noted on your financial financial aid correspondence that you send aid award letter.and receive.Review all bills for tuition and room and board. Analyze your offers of admission and financial Follow all directions carefully and meet deadlines for payment.aid packages carefully (pp. 46-48). Regularly check your college portal, email, andIdentify a financial aid contact at each collegepostal mail to meet all deadlines for class registration,where you have been accepted. Check in with thatorientation registration, tuition, room and boardperson if you have any questions. Request a reviewpayments, placement testing, and housing requests.of your financial aid offer if it does not meet yourCheck on your medical insurance coverage at financial need or a new situation has developed school and provide any information your college impacting your ability to pay for college (p. 49). needs, such as your vaccination records. Choose your college and accept its offer ofContact the bursars office to set up a payment plan, admission before the National Candidates if necessary.Reply Date of May 1. Send in any requiredContact your future roommate(s) and discuss what deposits and paperwork. you will need to bring for your dorm room (p. 59).'