b'23ActivityQuestions to Ask on a College Visit Starting Your College SearchAsking questions will help you decide if a college is a good fit. Below are sample questions to ask admissionsrepresentatives, tour guides, and students during college visits and at college fairs. Make a copy of this page for each college visit, and bring a notebook to write down the answers.College/University: __________________________________________________Date: ___________________________I spoke with: ________________________________________________________Ask Admissions RepresentativesAsk Students General Questions General Questions What is the demographic make-up of the mostWhat do you like best about the school, and whatrecent class? How many are students of color? do you think could be improved? What academic assistance resources are available?Has your adviser been helpful? What kind of academic advising is available to help Do you feel connected to your teachers, and are students choose classes and a major? they accessible/supportive/helpful? Does the school help students find internships?Do you find the student body equitable What kinds of career services and employment and inclusive?resources are available?How has the student body responded to acts What are the four- and six-year graduation rates? of racial injustice? How has the college What is the academic profile of the average admitted administration responded?student? ACT/SAT score? GPA/class rank?What is the climate for students of color (or anyWhat is the average class size? Are classes taught group with which you identify)?by teaching assistants (as opposed to professors)?Is the career center helpful, and how? Have you had an internship, and did the school help About Student Life you find it? What systems are in place for student safety? Are there stores and restaurants within walking About Student Lifedistance or close to public transportation?Do you feel safe on campus? Is student housing guaranteed for all freshmenHow do you get to school?students? For all four years? What other housingIs public transit convenient?options are available?Can students park on campus? What impact do fraternities, sororities, or sports What is your experience off campus?teams have on campus life?Do most students live in the dorms or commute? What clubs and student activities are availableDo many students leave on weekends?on campus? How do you start a new club? Are freshman allowed to bring vehiclesWhat do students do on campus during the weekend?onto campus?What do students do with their free time(e.g., study, explore the town, participate in clubs,Financial Aid Questions socialize with friends, attend sporting events)? What percentage of students receive need-based How is the food on campus? Are there manyfinancial aid?different options? What is the size of the average aid package? What kinds of jobs or Work-Study are availableon campus? How can students learn about scholarships, grants, Work-Study, and other forms of financial aid?'