b'17Starting Your College SearchKiera Baldwin Kadiatu Barrie I opted for ColumbiaKensington High School, Class of 2024 George Washington High School, Class of 2024Community College of Philadelphia, Class of 2026 Columbia University, Class of 2028I chose Community College of Philadelphia When making my decision, I considered because of the low cost of tuition and fees; cost, location, and academic support;I wanted my financial aid to cover my expenses but the primary factor that influencedso they wouldnt come out of pocket. I also chose my choice was financial aid, becauseCCP because of its location, close to home. I wanted peace of mind.CCP is the right fit for me because I can be withUniversity because they offered me enoughmy family, live in an environment I already know,financial aid that I dont have to worry aboutand gain hands-on experience in the field I wanttaking out loans or depending on my parents to to study. A bonus is many people I worked withcover my tuition fees. In addition, Columbia offers during my high school years have connectionsinternship opportunities throughout college, as well through CCP. I like that it will only take me twoas job placements upon graduation, whichyears to get my associate degree. That will will undoubtedly pave the way for a prosperous allow me to get a job, and then later, if I decide future in my chosen career path.to further my education, I can go back to school I advise high schoolers to visit as many collegesto get my bachelors in just two more years.My advice is dont look down onas possible, both in person and virtually, andif possible, engage in conversations with current community colleges like I used to! students attending that institution. Dont chooseYoure able to get the same education your financial means. a college solely based on its reputation orand experience for much less money. because a friend is attending there. Instead,opt for a college that can provide the support you need, a sense of belonging, and that is within'