b'60Attend class regularly and take detailed notes. Take Care of Your HealthTake advantage of online resources. Many Making smart choices about your health and professors post their notes and study guides online. well-being is crucial to your success in college and Form or join a study group to review class materialgrowth into adulthood. Your actions now will set with your fellow students. the course for your future.Know the dangers of alcohol. Pressure to participate Manage Your Moneyin activities involving alcohol can be strong on some Now is the time to learn about banking, budgeting,campuses. Getting caught with alcohol puts your and credit cards to help you manage your finances.education at risk. In addition, alcohol-relatedThe choices you make now will help you create a solidincidents are a leading cause of injury and death financial foundation. Learn more about smart moneyamong college-age students. Remember: the legal management at college at www.missbehelpful.com. drinking age is 21.Do not use illegal drugs. Most colleges have a Types of Bank Accounts zero-tolerance policy for the possession or use of Banks offer several types of accounts to meet theirillegal drugs. Do not socialize with students using customers needs. illegal drugs, or you may find yourself in the wrong Checking accounts provide easy access to yourplace at the wrong time.money for everyday purchases by using checks Be responsible about sexual activity. If you decideor a debit card. You can use your debit card to to engage in consensual sex, visit your campus purchase digital textbooks online. You can link yourhealth center for guidance and resources. Campus checking account to receive direct deposits fromsexual assault remains a significant concern at most employers and to use apps like Uber and Venmo. schools. It is most prevalent when drugs and alcohol Savings accounts accumulate interest on funds are involved. that you have saved for the future. Fit exercise into your schedule. Working out can Credit Cards help you blow off steam, stay centered, and keep When you use a credit card, the bank or company thatyour spirits up. College fitness centers offer a broad issued it lends you money to make a purchase andrange of fitness activities from weight training to yoga requires you to pay it back with interest. Many collegeto kickboxing and rock climbing.students get into financial trouble by accumulatingGet your eight hours. Getting enough sleep will debt they cannot pay back. Use credit cards only forkeep your brain sharp, help you see things more amounts that you can pay back within the billing cycle. clearly, and stay healthy. Plan ahead so you do not end up pulling all-nighters to meet your deadlines.Eat well. Most cafeterias offer a vast selectionof foods at each meal to meet a variety of dietary needs, from gluten-free to vegetarian. Choosea balanced diet to energize and nourish yourself.Be sure to seek help if you are experiencing foodinsecurity, which is becoming more commonly recognized on college campuses.Seek help quickly for any concerns about your physical and/or mental health, including stress.The campus health and counseling center isavailable to you.University of Pennsylvania'