b'7Assess Your Interests and StrengthsGetting to know yourself, identifying your passions, finding what energizes youthese are some of the most important steps in creating your future. To know yourself requires ongoing self-reflection, asking questions,and being open to exploring new ideas. By assessing your interests and strengths, you will be able to connect Preparing for Collegeyour talents and skills to college majors and career possibilities.ActivityCareer Self-AssessmentUse this worksheet to begin discovering and learning about your skills, interests, and strengths.A. First, list your high school academic courses. Next, write what you enjoy about your courses (what is interesting about the material and/or assignments). Then, note the areas in which you excel.CourseWhat Do I Enjoy?At What Do I Excel?Example: Geometrygraphing, plottingproblem-solvingWhich two or three academic courses do you enjoy the most and why?What are your strongest academic skills?B. Second, list your extracurricular activities (clubs, sports, volunteer activities, part-time jobs, internships, hobbies) both in school and in your community. Next, indicate what you enjoy about each activity and the ways in which you excel.ExtracurricularActivity/Employment What Do I Enjoy?At What Do I Excel?Example: acting in school plays expressing myself, performing for an audiencepublic speaking, memorization, improvisation Which two or three extracurricular/employment activities do you enjoy the most and why?What are your strongest non-academic skills (e.g., leadership, organization, teamwork, creativity)?'