b'58Make a DepositPlan For Healthcare When you have decided where to enroll, you will need Colleges require that you have health insurance, either to make a deposit at that college to secure your placethrough a parent or guardian, or by purchasing a plan in the class and in student housing. All colleges have offered by the college. Make a plan for your healthcare: a deposit deadline of May 1, and most require between will you see a doctor near campus, or back home? $100 and $400, and some as much as $1,000. If you What about a dentist? Do not forget to transfer any believe your family qualifies for a deposit waiver, contactprescriptions to a pharmacy on or near campus.your admissions officer. After you have made your deposit, you will be sent information on selecting On-Campus Supporta roommate, freshman orientation, and your first bill. Most colleges will send a bill for the fall semester Colleges have an array of support services to help by July 1, with a due date of August 1. you succeed. Become familiar with these resources and take advantage of all they have to offer.Academic Support Services provide tutoring,academic workshops, and study skills supportSUMMER CHECKLIST for all students.The Writing Center offers students help with any You will be expected to take important actions over aspect of their writing, from specific assignmentsthe months leading up to your arrival on campus.to general writing skills. Successful students find Check your mail, email, and school portal regularlywriting centers to be a vital resource throughoutto stay on top of these tasks: their college careers. Housing and Meal Plan: If you will be living onCampus Security maintains safety on campus. Each campus, you may be asked to complete a housingschool will have a different system, from emergencyquestionnaire to help identify a good roommate(blue) call boxes to phone apps (such as Rave match. Make sure to carefully choose your housingGuardian), and escorts for students. Learn whatoption and meal plan based on your specific needs. your school offers. Course Selection: The timeline and method forMulticultural Services develop an inclusivechoosing freshman courses vary by school. Followcommunity on campus and develops connections instructions carefully to ensure you get the coursesbetween students of different cultures, backgrounds, you need and want. and identities. Summer Kickoff Event: Many schools host Residence Life helps ensure students have a smoothhometown kickoff events for students and their transition to campus life, which includes all issues families. Look for an email invitation so you canrelated to campus housing.meet other incoming students and alumni. Student Health and Counseling provides health Work-Study: If you are accepting Work-Study, care and mental health counseling services. Theyfind out about campus employment opportunities.can help with anything from feelings of depressionApply for positions before school starts for theor homesickness to flu shots and colds.greatest selection. Office of Accessibility Services focuses on meeting Academic Placement: Many colleges require the needs of students with a range of disabilities. placement testing in subjects such as math and They can discuss the process for submittingwriting. If the testing determines that you need documentation for your disability and schedulingto take developmental courses, be aware that theseany evaluations.courses do not count as credit toward graduation and may prolong your time in college.'