b'31Understand College to mid-November. Early action indicates that you are Admissions Options very interested in a school; however, it is non-binding, Generally, there are five options for collegemeaning it does not commit you to attend the school.admissions. The option you select will impact whenOption 4: Restrictive Early ActionApplying to Collegeyour application is due, when you find out if you are accepted, and your ability to choose a schoolRestrictive early action is also non-binding; however,based on how much financial aid it offers. Options if you apply restrictive early action, you are notand deadlines vary by schools, so carefully researchpermitted to apply to any other schools during the the schools to which you are interested in applying.early rounds of applications. This indicates to a school that they are your first choice and can increase your Option 1: Regular Decisionchances of being accepted.Regular decision is the most common admissions Option 5: Early Decision option and allows you to apply to as many schools as you like and compare financial aid packages.Early decision is an option reserved only for the Applications are typically due between November andschool you are certain is your best fitacademically, February. Decisions arrive between March and April. socially, and financially. When you apply via early decision, you promise you will attend the college Option 2: Rolling Admissionsif admitted and withdraw all other applications. Rolling admissions applications are evaluated onEarly decision lets you show your commitment to a first-come, first-served basis, until the school fillsa school by applying by an early decision deadline its first-year class. You will receive an admissions(often November 1 or 15, and sometimes January 1decision within four to eight weeks of applying. for an additional early decision II deadline). Most Rolling admissions allows you to apply to as manyschools provide decisions four to six weeks later.schools as you want and to compare financial aidEarly Decision and Financial Aidpackages. Most universities in the Pennsylvania StateIf you are accepted early decision and the estimated System of Higher Education use rolling admissions. financial aid package offered by the college at the Option 3: Early Actiontime of your acceptance does not make that school affordable for you, you may forfeit your admission Early action allows you to apply earlier toand and apply to other colleges. Remember, no college hear back sooner fromthe colleges you are mostis your right fit if you cannot afford to go there.interested in. Applications are usually due in early Compare Admissions OptionsFactors to ConsiderRegularRollingEarlyRestrictiveEarlyDecisionAdmissionsActionEarly ActionDecisionAllows you to compare financial aid packagesXXXX You hear back quicklyXXXXTells a school it is your first choiceXXDoes not require you to commit to one schoolXXXXIncreases your chance of acceptance, XXif you are a strong candidate If you wait too long, all spots may be filledX'