b'25Starting Your College Search 6. What is diversity like on campus? Consider all of the following areas:Geographic: __________________________Racial/Ethnic: ______________________________________Socioeconomic: __________________________________Gender: ___________________________________________Sexuality/LGBTQIA+:____________________________________7. What personal support programs/centers/resources are available to you on campus (e.g., Black Student Union,counseling services, womens center, etc.)?____________________________________________________________8. What do students seem to value (e.g., social justice, nature, Greek life [sororities and fraternities], sports, academic rigor, etc.), and do you value the same things? ________________________________________________9. Try to identify the colleges culture by analyzing its mission statement and website. How would you describe the schools culture? ________________________________________________________________________________10. Search online for recent news items that feature this college (e.g., how the school has responded to various socialissues, incidences of student harassment or mistreatment, etc.), and consider what this tells you about life onthis campus. ________________________________________________________________________________________Exploring Financial Fit1. What is the total cost of attendance at this college?Tuition: $ __________________Room & Board: $ __________________Fees: $ __________________Books: $ __________________Personal Expenses: $ __________________Transportation: $ __________________ TOTAL COST OF ATTENDANCE: $ __________________2. What types of financial aid are offered by this college? _____________________________________________________3. What institutional scholarships are offered by this college? ________________________________________________4. What is the average financial aid package offered by this college? $ _________________________________________5. Look at your answers to questions 14. How does the average financial aid package compare to the total cost ofattendance? _________________________________________________________________________________________6. What percentage of students receive need-based financial aid? ________%7. What options are available on campus for Work-Study or employment? _____________________ ____________________8. What types of financial aid services are available on campus (e.g., payment plan options, loan counseling, etc.)?____________________________________________________________________________________________________9. What is the average student debt for graduates of this college? $___________________________________________Final Fit RatingNow, look at your answers and determine this colleges fit rating for you.4 POINTS3 POINTS2 POINTS1 POINTNO POINTSACADEMIC Perfect Strong Fine Poor Not a Fit for MeSOCIALPerfect Strong Fine Poor Not a Fit for MeFINANCIAL Perfect Strong Fine Poor Not a Fit for MeAdd your scores for Academic, Social, and Financial fit to calculate the overall fit rating of this college:* On a scale of 1-12, where Fit Rating * :________+________+________ =FINAL FIT________ 0 = Not a Fit and 12 = a Perfect Fit. AcademicSocial FinancialTOTAL 2024 Heights Philadelphia'