b'22Visit CollegesPlan ahead and get the most from college visitseither virtual or in-personwith these tips. It is never too early to begin visiting colleges.Virtual College VisitsIn-Person College VisitsLive virtual visits are more helpful than pre-recorded. Register for a tour, open house, and admissionsTopic-specific sessions highlight certain programssession. Ask if you can sit in on classes or view a (such as business or engineering programs) or certain dorm room. Take the entire tour and ask questions. identities (such as first-generation-to-college students).Be engaged with the tour guide and schoolDo your research in advance just like you would representatives.do if you were visiting in person. Know your ownGet the student perspective. Talk to studentspriorities and what features will make a college and ask questions about campus life, activities,a good academic, social, and financial fit.and classes. Eat in the dining hall or student center. Observe campus culture by looking for informationRead the school newspaper. on where students socialize, how faculty and staffMake a copy of the questions on p. 23. Bring them engage students, and what support is offered for with you, along with a notebook and pen.students of color. Record your thoughts. After your visit, writeCurrent students are the best resource for getting down your impressions in a notebook. Use the same a feel for campus culture. notebook to write about all of your college visits,Individual virtual meetings with admissions so that you can compare schools.counselors are a good option for asking lots Visit when classes are in session. You will getof questions. Do not be shy! a better sense of life on campus if you visit whenthe full student body is present, instead of duringa holiday or summer break.Consider a fly-in program. If you want to visita school that is further away, find out if it providesa fly-in program. These are hosted by collegesand are usually free, and provide an opportunity Strategize for Types of for prospective students to learn more about the Virtual Visits schools programs and campus life. Most of these Each type has a different purpose: programs require an application and a letter A virtual information session provides a brief overview of recommendation.of a college and its admissions requirements. Information sessions might require pre-registration.Strategize for A virtual open house is usually longer than an informationsession and might include any combination of livepresentations, pre-recorded content, classroom tours,and a question-and-answer period. Open house events might require pre-registration. A virtual campus tour is designed to replicate theexperience of walking around the campus and oftenincludes 360-degree and panoramic photography.Campus tours usually do not require registration.Gwynedd Mercy University'