b'12Create Your ResumYour resum outlines your educational background, involvement at school and in the community, workhistory, and achievements. It provides colleges and potential employers with important information aboutyou in one organized document. A resum will be helpful when completing the activities portion of your college application. Villanova UniversityWrite it DownHonors and awards: List any honors you haveThe easiest way to create your resum is to start early, received during high school. Include the sponsoring preferably in 9th grade, and update it each year.organization, award title, and date receivedYour resum should include the following information: (e.g., Honor Roll, CAPA, June 2022PresentContact information: Include your name, phoneWhite-Williams Scholars, June 2024).number, and professional email address. Work experience and internships: List any jobsEducation: List the name and location of your you have held during high school. Include thehigh school and the date you expect to graduatecompanys name, your title, dates of employment, (e.g., Philadelphia High School for the Performing and key responsibilities (e.g., Pho Ha Restaurant,and Creative Arts, Philadelphia, PA, Class of 2025). Hostess, JuneJuly 2024).Academic enrichment: List the names of Skills: Include additional skills or training that might enrichment programs (school, after-school, and be interesting to a college or a prospective employer,summer) you have completed. Include the sponsoring such as languages spoken, computer skills, ororganization and the dates you participated specialized training (e.g., Fluent in Vietnamese(e.g., Saint Josephs University, Dual enrollment Biology lab safetyFlute).summer program, JuneJuly 2024).Resum Writing TipsExtracurricular and volunteer activities: Listthe clubs, sports teams, arts programs, communityYour resum is serious business:service experiences, etc., in which you are involved.Be authentic. Do not embellish the truth or include Add leadership roles and dates of participation.anything that is inaccurate.Highlight special accomplishments (e.g., Volunteer,Use complete names of programs, businesses,Childrens Ministry, Vietnamese Alliance Church,and awards.South Philadelphia, December 2022Present). Do not use a cute, funny, or inappropriate emailaddress.Keep it active with strong verbs such as organized, created, led, and developed. Your Address List your most recent experiences first andon Your Resum include dates.Strategize for Experts suggest that you do not Proofread and edit your resum and ask othersinclude your complete address onto review it. your resum, for security reasons.Instead, list only your city, state,Do not list your references.and zip code. Limit your resum to one page.Strategize for Now you are ready to create your resum by using the format and additional tips offered on the following page.'