b'56Additional Strategies For Reducing College CostSave Your Time and Colleges That Meet 100%the Cost of Attendanceof Demonstrated Need One of the best ways to reduce the cost of college Some colleges have made a commitment to meet is to reduce the number of semesters for which you100% of the demonstrated financial need of those pay tuition. There are four ways to do this: students who are admitted to that college.Advanced Placement (AP) Courses are college-levelMany are Ivy League colleges:classes offered in high school. An AP exam is Brown UniversityColumbia University offered at the end of each AP course. A high score Harvard UniversityPrinceton University on this exam can qualify you for college credits. TheUniversity of PennsylvaniaYale UniversityAP program charges a fee for each AP exam. Talk withSome are liberal arts colleges:your school counselor about whether these fees areAmherst CollegeBowdoin College waived at your school or whether you are eligible for aColby CollegeDavidson CollegeGrinnell College reduced fee. Regardless, the fees for AP exams are farPomona CollegeSwarthmore Collegeless than the cost of a college course; credits earnedOthers are large research universities:through AP exams will save you money in college. Johns Hopkins UniversityMassachusetts InstituteCommunity College offers much less expensiveof Technology (MIT)Northwestern University tuition, compared to four-year colleges. A commonStanford UniversityUniversity of Chicago cost-saving strategy is to attend a community collegeVanderbilt UniversityWashington and Lee Universityfor two years then transfer to a four-year college. It is important to understand that the collegesDual Enrollment Programs allow high school who offer this level of financial assistance alsostudents to take classes at local colleges to have the most competitive admissions. Theysimultaneously earn both high school and collegeare extremely selective. Apply to these collegescredits. Ask your high school counselor whether only if your academic profile is a good match,your school offers these programs. and remember that even the most high-achievingMiddle College High Schools are high schools students may not be admitted.that aim to help students complete high school and encourage them to attend college. These programs offer project-based learning and extensive supportThe Communityservices. At present, Philadelphias only middle collegeCollege ofhigh school is Parkway Center City Middle College,Philadelphia where students can earn up to 64 college credits, atStrategize forThe Community College ofno cost, from the Community College of Philadelphia,Philadelphia (CCP) is a good while in high school. option for many students looking to reduce their college cost. CCPs Octavius Catto Scholarship provides eligible studentswith free tuition, academic advising, career coaching,Strategize forand support for books, transportation, and even food.The program also provides connection to existing resourceslike affordable housing, child care, and other support services.Go to www.ccp.edu/catto to learn more about eligibility requirements and program services.Muhlenberg College'