b'44The FAFSA will be answering the same questions. Make sure that Everyone who wants to receive financial aid for college all information is accurate and complete. Withholding must fill out the FAFSAthe Free Application fordata or providing inaccurate information will jeopardize Federal Student Aid. It is your key to receiving grants,your ability to receive financial aid.Work-Study, loans, and even some scholarships. Dependency Status The U.S. Department of Education uses the FAFSAMany students have questions about how their to determine how much you and your family willfamily circumstances affect whether they apply be expected to contribute toward your education.as a dependent student or independent student Pennsylvania uses it to consider you for state when filling out forms for financial aid. For a helpful grants. Colleges use it to put together your financialflowchart, visit www.studentaid.gov/apply-for-aid/aid package. fafsa/filling-out/dependency.The FAFSA can seem daunting. Use the informationThe FAFSA Mobile App and tips on these two pages to help you navigate the FAFSA. The Office of Federal Student Aid has launched an app version of the FAFSA application, which The 2025-2026 FAFSA allows new and renewing applicants to complete the 2025-26 FAFSA on their mobile phones.Submit the FAFSA as soon as possible. Do not wait.The 2025-2026 FAFSA will become available in December 2024.Students and families will provide tax informationResources forfrom two years prior (i.e., tax filings for 2023 will Foster Youth be used when filing the 2025-2026 FAFSA). Strategize for There are special funding Free Help with Your FAFSAopportunities for foster youth and former foster youth, including:There are a number of ways to get help filingThe Chafee Education and Training Grant Programyour FAFSA: offers up to $5,000 for attending eligible colleges.Call 1-800-433-3243 or TTY 1-800-730-8913 to askhttps://pheaa.org/funding-opportunities/other- Strategize fora question. educational-aid/chafee-program.shtmlBig Future has a free chatbot available 24/7 to help you with the FAFSA at bigfuture.collegeboard.org/The PA Tuition Waiver is a law that requires all pay-for-college/financial-aid-basics/fafsa/every- Pennsylvania-based colleges to waive any remaining thing-you-need-to-know-about-fafsa. tuition balance after all grants and scholarships have been Visit www.studentaid.gov/help-center for applied. https://www.pheaa.org/partner-access/schools/frequently asked questions and a virtual assistant. foster-education.shtmlLearn about free FAFSA filing Help Events in The Lenfest Immensitas Scholars Program providesPennsylvania at pheaa.org/college-planning/fafsa/funding to cover room, board, and some expenses. help-events.shtml. Supports include academic advising, a summer bridge Avoid any FAFSA assistance that is not free. program, housing and meals during school breaks,It is likely a scam. financial and money management guidance, anda designated liaison at each school. Details vary;Accuracy Is Critical the program is available at Pennsylvania College of As you apply for financial aid, there will be many formsTechnology, West Chester University, Penn States main to complete which require full disclosure of your familyscampus, and Harcum College. philafound.org/empowering- financial information. Families all across the countrynonprofits-scholars/scholarships/foster-youth'